If you celebrate Easter then it’s highly likely there will be an abundance of chocolate in your house over the coming weekend and week to follow…or it has potentially already started!


I am not about to tell you to not buy your kids chocolate eggs or to make sure you don’t enjoy any yourself. As we know I am all about balance and healthy relationships with food - so that means enjoying chocolate from time to time too!

BUT, sometimes the chocolate consumption can get a little out of hand for both grown ups and kids alike!

Here are my top 5 tips to help keeping you from going overboard on the chocolate, whilst not having to go without completely!

  1. Stress less: one day of eating isn’t going to dictate what the remainder of your day or week looks like or undo all your great work with healthy eating habits or physical activity. Enjoy your chocolate if you choose to enjoy it and try to remove any feelings of guilt you may have for doing so.

  2. Self-regulation: Aim to let both yourself and your children if you have any, decide on when they have had enough. The ability to self-regulate and make the call for themselves by listening to t is a great skill to build (and can be tough to sit by and watch as a parent), but listen to your internal cues, looking for signs of hunger or thirst

  3. Keep to regular healthy meals as much as possible: if you have a chocolate bunny for breakfast then chances are you won’t feel like much else - but try not to have one for lunch too. Eating regular healthy meals will help keep everyone’s appetite and mood in check plus assist with the point above.

  4. Don’t buy them in the first place: I have a saying that goes ‘if in doubt, throw it out’ – I’m not one to let a block of chocolate last a week if in my house unlike my husband. If you have terrible will power then opt not to buy them in the first place, get yourself a smaller egg - not the biggest bunny on the shelf, or re-gift your choccies to someone else!

  5. Enjoy the occasion: But don’t let it turn into an extended holiday or habit – even with those post Easter chocolate sales! After the Easter long weekend no more chocolate eggs, bunnies or other. Everything in moderation.

If you are wanting a chocolate treat but a healthier alternative, try the following recipe!

Just 5 ingredients, feels like a ‘treat’ and perfect for all members of the family!

Choc slice.PNG

What you need:

  • 3 cups puffed rice

  • 1 cup coconut oil

  • 3 tablespoons cacao powder

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter

  • 2 tbs maple syrup


  • Combine the cacao powder and rice puffs in a bowl.

  • Melt the coconut oil, nut butter and maple syrup in separate bowl.

  • Mix the wet ingredients with the dry and then place into a lined tray

  • Set in the freezer before slicing.

  • Keep cool until ready to serve and enjoy a raw, crunchy treat!

Enjoy the weekend, stay well and as always let me know if you give this recipe a go!

Brooke x


Brooke x